My kids have had a blast doing this already. We have yet to paint any ourselves, but we have hunt and re hid lots :)
Now rules..... Not to many and most are obvious. Do not place them anywhere that a lawn mower may hit them 😆 That could be very bad as some of the rocks are a good size. Hide them in any public location. Here are hot spots for Hillsboro where rocks have been hidden at already:
Main street Hillsboro
Old Courthouse
Beckemeyer Elementary School
Hillsboro Jr. High School
Other ideas I had was maybe at the Public Library, Central Park, Sports Complex and maybe even the campgrounds. The main thing is keep it safe :)
We are going to be making a way for everyone to publicly post when they are hiding and a photo if they would like of what they are hiding. You can give clues, you can tell what spot you are hiding at that day. When posting you can add the hashtag #hillsbororocks as well and then people can search that way as well.
Now the best part decorating the rocks. You can use just about anything from paint, fingernail polish, markers, glue on jewels, etc. If you use marker I would probably use a sealer on it. On the back right Hillsboro rocks keep or re hide. Here is a cute idea we have seen and started:
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