So this year I am going to try the whole blogging thing again. Blogging on a little bit of everything as usual.
I have noticed in the past year since my major surgery I am still working on alot of issues caused from the nasty little things they removed. One major thing is hormone balance. So I have been researching some all natural oil options and have a plan in line I think. IT works I will be sharing.
What else is new.... Lets see Bailey is in full ballet mode gearing up for her competitions. Hailey is loving being back in tumbling. And Colton loves Pre K. And I absolutely love my new job at Animal control
We have a new animal in the house.

Meet Nemo. HE came to us at the shelter on 9/27 barely 3 days old. Eyes still shut. The girls and I thought for sure this was going to be a bad outcome but I would give it a hell of a shot syringe and bottle feeding him. Low and behold I am a cat whisperer!!! Who knew?!?!?! Well now he is my baby and I his mommy. We have a tru mother "son" relationship. HE will even whine until I lean over and pick him up and he stands up on his hind legs to be picked up!!!!! HE is now a full fledge Christian. We adopted him on the girls Birthday. There was no way with the bond we had I cold take him back to the shelter. So he is our Foster Fail lol
IF there is anything you would like me to blog on let me know!! I have some ideas in the works hoping to get to this once a week or more
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