This was his first night at Rising Sun Martial Arts. He loved it!!! And excelled very quickly. Daddy took here so Colton was ahead of the game. Daddy already knew everything he needed to learn. Colton quickly moved from the white belt class up to the class with the older kids as a white belt.
Here are a few shots of him getting some one on one time working his form and basic moves. Colton learned his first form very quickly and was doing so well we approached Master Clayton and asked his thoughts on entering him in the tournament that was coming up. He thought it was a great idea so we did.
Now this momma was a nervous wreck. First tournament, in a foreign sport to me, and daddy had drill. So grandma came with me and I have some great moms I know that went.
As we sat at the tournament Colton was #4 of 5. The first 3 kids went to the mat with their coaches. And the coaches actually led them through their forms. Now this surprised me. My thoughts were you had to know the form to be able to compete. So now it was Colton's turn. He hops up, alone, goes to the mat, blows through his form and sits. Many of the parents looked at me with a look like "holy shit". I just smiled went back and sat with him and gave him a high five. The 5th kid hits the mat and he runs the form on his on as well, no coach.
Here is his form
Then it was time for placement:
I think he floated to the podium to get his medal. He was so excited!!
He is still shorter than the second place kid standing on a platform above him hehe
All in all it was a great day with lots of high fives all around. Rising Son brought home the plaque for most registered students attending (34) and the kids brought home lots of hardware :)
This was the ride home. After all the excitement wore off and a full belly.